Plastic bottle recycling in India

Recycling Plastic bottles for a better environment Recycling is a process of collecting materials that are already used. The waste products are collected and processed for reusage. The waste products are segregated and converted into raw materials so that they can be reused for developing newer products. Recycling of plastics is essential in today’s world for the betterment of the environment. Since plastics are non-biodegradable substances and take decades to degrade and is a threat to the environment. So, it is necessary to recycle plastic to maintain a circular plastic economy. Recycling and chemically treating plastic are done to protect the environment from plastic pollution that contaminates the Earth. Plastic bottles are useful because they are durable, but this is a liability for the environment when discarded. These plastic bottles are seen polluting the oceans of the world and are causing a significant ecological hazard. The plastic wastes if not processed properly...